Monday, April 5, 2010

War is Peace

War is Peace.
This idea is one of the fundamental laws of the Party. The Party has driven this belief into the minds of the Proles(the lower class citizens) and Party members alike(middle and higher class). To the majority the statement is perceived as it is given, peace can only be achieved through war. Through war, the enemy is conquered and the state benefits, as well as they do.
Unfortunately, in the light of reality, the motto only applies to the members of the Inner Party and Big Brother himself. With war, the citizens of Eurasia are constantly occupied, physically and mentally. They become unable to focus on their own realities other than war. This has become the government’s method of peace. By focusing the attention of the citizens on war, they are unable to focus or let alone notice their bereft state. They are devoid of any rights, and they lack adequate amounts of food or luxuries. War is meant to preserve power in the higher classes-also known as the minority of the population. If the proles that make up an equivalent of 80% of the population were to unite and start a rebellion, then their numbers would surely annihilate the Inner Party. That is why the war in 1984, never seems to advance, it is merely propaganda for citizens to focus on. Ignorance, another theme of the party, is one of the intentional aims through the war; there will always be war simply to keep peace between the lower classes.